ISBN13 | 9788195267040 |
Binding | PAPERBACK |
Author | S. Diwakar |
Language | KANNADA |
Published Year | 2023 |
Country of Origin | India |
S Diwakar has translated all these stories into Kannada in a very adequate manner, without compromising the 9 excellence of the original stories. If you look at the character situations in these stories. These are natural to the extent that they are Kannada stories. There is no doubt that this is a great service he is rendering to Kannada. The story world -Gopalakrishna Adiga Even in such a depressing environment, it is an exciting event that Diwakars embarked on a venture like 'Kathajagatti' and succeeded. This magnum opus, which came out without any premonition, shocked me as much as it increased my wonder about Diwakar's activism many times over. The achievement of this work, as the long reviews so far have shown, is not merely a competent translation. The real significance of this work lies in the wonderful variety of these stories - in the generosity of the mind that can respond to so many stories. Only true love for literature, good taste can lead to such generosity. This book quietly does what long articles cannot do in an environment where so many young writers are talking about listing material for literature. This is an eye-opening book that every budding Kannada storyteller must read. I wanted to write a complementary letter to KV Tirumalesh's review in 'Prajavani' showing this cultural significance of Diwakar's achievement. A storyteller himself, and even more so a close friend of Diwakar, could not write with the cry that it would be absurd. Knowing that this is something that young people like you should do, I wait for another opportunity to write about 'Katha Jagatti' myself. Yashwant Chitala (in a letter to friend Krishnamurthy Hanur dated 17.5.1986)