Vainu Bappu
ISBN10 | 8172867212 |
ISBN13 | 9788172867218 |
Binding | PAPERBACK |
Author | MURTHY M S S DR. |
Language | ENGLISH |
Published Year | 2012 |
Country of Origin | India |
This biography is of an exemplary person, VainuBappu. In his fifty-five years of inspired existence, VainuBappu achieved what will spell out his name in golden letters in the history of astronomy. He discovered new objects in the sky, found new relationships among stellar objects, built new observatories, planned and fostered new centers of research, new laboratories, and new schools of active scientists. Biographies have an important role to play in shaping a society. They not only preserve a sense of history for posterity, but also serve as a source of inspiration to youngsters. Life is not a bed of roses, particularly for those who strive to look for a new meaning to human existence. Their trials and tribulations, their success and failures all hold enlightening lessons to the generations that follow - says Dr. M. S. S. Murthy who has a Ph.D degree in Biophysics from the University of Kansas, USA. He retired as a senior scientist from the Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai in 1997 and living in Bengaluru since then. After retirement he has written about 350 popular science articles in both English and Kannada which have been published in newspapers and popular science journals. He has also written some short stories and published ten books on various science topics, which have been published by some leading publishers in Bengaluru.